Monday 14 June 2010

What a night!

Day 3 – The morning after.

We rise late still suffering the after effects of the day before, the long hours, distances covered and the frustration of being an England football supporter. The sun’s already high in the ever present blue sky when we witness our first eviction from the Big Brother house! One of our party decides that she’ll be better off at home, packs her bags and disappears over the African horizon, leaving her hubby here with the rest of us. We’re now down to 9, but at least we’re all male and armed with some great joke making material, all at the expense of a miserable looking Dave B!!

A pleasant morning spent chatting in the sun raises our spirits and we make plans for the rest of the day. We start by jumping in our great looking mini-bus, a van that’s meant to look like a football but actually looks more like a giant zebra. A not too long journey gets us to the gates of the Rhino and Lion Reserve on the outskirts of Magliesberg. An afternoon of driving around the African high veldt gives us the chance to experience wildlife up close with some great close encounters with Lions, Rhinos, Springbucks, Water Buffalo and plenty of other wildlife from various parts of the world. A trip down the 3rd largest cave in South Africa causes hilarity amongst our group, along with the very pleasant guide who bursts her sides laughing at some of the very basic humor we use to describe the movement of wind and the eating of beans! A trip to the Reptile room gets us all too close to some of the most dangerous snakes on the planet and the Egyptian Cobra tries desperately hard to infect us all with its poisonous venom. A further drive around the reserve enables us to get some close up shots of cheetahs, vultures and wildebeest before we make plans for the evening and our onward trip to Cape Town. Today has seen the spirits rise, lets hope the England team can produce the results while we plan who next is to leave the Big Brother house!


  1. Martin,
    I was totally gutted not to be going with you lot to South Africa but all that changed on saturday night....Im now only gutted!
    As usual it seems that the trip is going to be the pleasureable part and those 90 minute intervals that you attend are going to be as painful as possible.

    The whole country is doom and gloom that we didnt "spank the Yanks" and the Scottish contingent have got smug grins on their faces.

    The Tv pundits are already showing their true colours. On the BBC Hansen is a sad pathetic Jock who has nothing good to say about anyone or anything whilst on ITV Keegan continues to see the good in everything and has us lined up to win the group, the tournament and Winbledon for good measure.

    I wish i shared king Kevs enthusiasm but i said before the tournament that we dont have a good Keeper or Right Back (why the hell didnt we take Gary Neville?) and that the loss of Rio will be massive. Basically the defence isnt good enough and this will prevent our obviuously talented midfielders to express themselves.

    Dave Bev did a great job on positioning his flag at the match - bang next to the tunnel so it got more coverage than most of the Sponsors did.

    Watched the Germans last night and although Australia are not world beaters, it was a very impressive performance and we certainly need to ensure that we know kick on and win the group to aviod playing them in the next round.

    Saw on facebook that Mark Chappers arrived on saturday and had both his phones stolen within hours. Bet he was a "Happy Chappy" on saturday evening!


  2. Really enjoying reading this blog. Wish I could be there but alas, some things are not meant to be.

    Stay safe and don't let the vuvuzelas get to you!!

    Andrew Senior

  3. This blog is great, glad your all having a good time! My dad is with you lot at the minute, mark from good old doncaster!! hope you havent got them bloody horns!! driving me crazy never mind you lot being in the stadium!! take care

  4. You give £2 a month to help a hungry African and what do they do with it? Buy a bloody trumpet!


