Monday 21 June 2010

Keep the comments coming!

We are glad to hear you all enjoying reading this, but we are enjoying your comments too, so keep them coming please!


  1. Don't think my last comment was saved for some reason so excuse any repeat-just in case.
    Sounds like you having a brill time. Certainly wish I was out there to experience it. But suppose some of us have to stay here to keep the wheels of industry turning!!
    Still staying optimistic despite the performances. You probably aware of the negative press but we nothing compared to the French. Apparently they are threatening to boycoott todays game.
    Anyway keep the blog going-its great to follow, be good and keep safe.
    Come on England.
    Ian, Leicester branch of YES.

  2. Loving the blog, im very jelous im not there!! although going on the performance of the team against algeria i think id prefer to be home at the moment, hopefully though our luck will change and on wednesday we will be through to the last 16!! I spotted my dads flag on the tele aswell! missing you though dad, love ya zb xxx

  3. Hi guys, it’s the latest evictees Rich and Adam here. Very jealous about not being there for the recent events, but have definitely taken away many enjoyable memories from the time I spent in South Africa…apart from the 180 minutes of football that is. I’ll be checking regularly and am looking forward to the next instalment. Give the boys an extra shout from me and let’s just hope they come out and get the win tomorrow. Hope all of you are having a great time.

  4. its great reading your blog everyday,hpoe your all having great time.cant wait for next update,good luck for today you guys.miss you mark ,me and blake missing you tons x x x x x x x

  5. Follow the link below and have a listen to Brian Blessed's battle cry for England before the game today..."on on you noblest English"

  6. Never mind the football, let Skip know we won the Carps pub quiz tonight. That's another tenner to add to his South Africa slush fund!


