Tuesday 13 July 2010

So its Spain then!

To be honest we could have saved ourselves a lot of time and money, left the England team at home, or at least they could have hit the beaches earlier and declared Spain the winners in early June. It was that one brief upset against the Swiss that caused some doubts but apart from that they had World Cup winners written across their Mediterranean foreheads two years ago when they won the Euro title. Maybe we should do that for the next World Cup? We can still go to Brazil but just declare who we think should be crowned champions before the tournament starts and then just meet back at the end to see them accept the trophy. That way we get to have a proper holiday, no need to worry about England, overpriced match tickets, rip off airlines, car hire, too much travel and the worry of it all. No this way we save ourselves the trouble and do all the bits we enjoy first, then declare a winner, go home and tell everybody what a great tournament it was without any upset at all.

To be honest I didn't enjoy watching the final, nor seeing the Spanish, (notice how they are one nation now), celebrate their first World title. For me I had agonised over travel arrangements for this week for many months, trying to work out how I could be back in South Africa to see England lift the cup. Do you do the early rounds and bank on an England failure, or do you save your holidays and go for the more prestigious games? For me I decided to do both and booked two sets of flights, in the end I only needed the first. To rub salt into the wounds South African Airways refuse to hand any money back for these flights claiming that they had a World Cup policy of no refunds, that's very nice of them! Maybe they should detail that on their website when people book flights, or maybe send those terms and conditions with their booking confirmation. No, not a bit of it, they just wait until you're at your lowest ebb after seeing your nation knocked out of the World Cup and then they tell you. Does it get any worse for England fans? I somehow doubt it.

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