Tuesday 24 May 2011

FIFA, Corruption and Andrew Jennings

So far we've tried to keep politics and match reports away from this blog, but as you all know its been a bit slow on the news front, so;

You have to take your hat off to the persistent reporting by Andrew Jennings and his brass neck style. He knows full well that the FIFA executive hate the sight of him yet he still turns up at their meetings, still sticks his face in front of theirs and still asks the same questions. One of these days he's going to get a result, its almost written is it not? Surprising though, or maybe not, the main protagonists are from Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago and Thailand. Now in our pursuit of the tarnished prize of World Cup hosting where did we go for one of our illustrious friendlies, that's right T&T, and where did we plan to go? Right again, Thailand!

Why doesn't Andrew investigate those two trips? As any right minded England fan knew we weren't going to T&T and Thailand for the quality of the football. Lets see, where else did we go? Of course, we visited Doha for a friendly against Brazil, yet another country implicated by Andrew in his recent transmission.

Interestingly the Trinidad & Tobago's Newsday, 'The People's Newspaper' chooses to focus on Lord Triesman, or Friesman as they call him, and the FA's refusal to vote in the upcoming elections for FIFA President. The FA have taken their particular stance because of corruption allegations and a lack of confidence in both candidates. The T&T paper suggests that the allegations should be withdrawn quickly because every man is innocent until proven guilty and, on top of that, the slur against Warner is damaging to the T&T economy! How ludicrous! Judging by Andrew Jennings reporting the easiest way to resolve all the problems with the T&T economy would be to remove Warner and allow the funds to find the pockets they were intended for. This story will run and run, hold on to your hats!

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